About our School

Emerald Coast Driving Improvement School is now also known as Florida Driving School.

Emerald Coast Driving Improvement School has been serving Floridians since 1994 with the highest quality course materials and facilities.  Our State Approved classes have been taught to thousands of our local residents helping them to maintain a clean driving record.

New drivers seek our Student Training Alcohol Related Topics (S.T.A.R.T.) program required by the State of Florida for all new license drivers, emphasizing an alcohol free healthy life style and sound driving techniques.

Average Drivers who have gotten a ticket take our Basic Driving Improvement (BDI) course to avoid points and keep a clean driving record. For real convenience BDI can now be done online too.

Seasoned drivers who's job keeps them on the road a high percentage of the time can maintain their drivers license for work with our Advanced Driving Improvement courses (ADI).

For an improved knowledge of the road,  maintain a safe drivers license category or to pursue lower insurance premiums.  The Emerald Coast Driving Improvement School is for you.

Click here for reasons why everyone should go to driving school


Drive with a new attitude.  (DTA tm)
START is a copy right program of Driver Training Associates ADI is a copy right program of Driver Training Associates BDI is a copy right program of Driver Training AssociatesAll graphics and artwork are copy write originals of ECDIS and Edward Sullivan
May not be copied or used in any way without the expressed written permission of
ECDIS and EdwardSullivan.